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How to lose belly fat & fat loss tips ?

Alright so the first thing that I would suggest you upon waking up is either you have fat cutter or drink a lot of water. Like if you can drink 3-4 glasses of water,that would be great. It will kick start your metabolism which isvery essential for weight loss. If you are into drinking indian tea or coffee early in the morning, I will suggest you to rather skip it at this point of time. You can have it later in the day. 

Breakfast. Your breakfast should be low in complex carbohydrates and high in protein. Low in carbohydrates because if you will have high carbohydrate diet, it will ultimately get stored as fat. Now we also want our weight loss to be in the form of fat and not in the form of muscles. So we will keep protein intake high. So some of the healthy breakfast options could be. First is my favourite, customised oatmeal along with 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg. If you are a vegetarian, the only replacement to egg whites that I can think of is, whey protein isolate. It will also make your oatmeal tastier. Second could be chickpeas spinach egg bhurji. Third could be moong dal dosa. The recipes to all three are available on the channel. Now, if you are a paratha lover like me,you can have one paratha without oil along with an egg white bhurji made of 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg. If you don't like bhurji, you can also make an omelette. Or you can have that same paratha along with low fat paneer bhurji. Now, how to make low fat paneer? You get skimmed (low fat) milk from outside and make paneer at home. Trust me, it would be tasty, it would be cheap and it would be low in fat. Now, because we are talking about complex carbohydrate and I am not including brown bread. Because the so called wheat bread that we find in the market is adulterated with maida. So, I would suggest you to rather avoid it. If you want to have it, you can have it once a week. Another option can be whey protein isolate in milk along with a complex carbohydrate source something like Upma. So, these are quite a few healthy breakfast options. Now, one hour after breakfast and 40 minutes before lunch try to drink at least 1 liter of water. If you are outside, keep a water bottle handy. If at all you feel hungry in between breakfast and lunch you can have one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts along with green tea or Indian Tea. But avoid sugar. If you want to sweeten it, you can use natural sweeteners like stevia. Please remember that for weight loss, sugaris your number one enemy. 

lunch. Start your lunch with salad. Now, a salad may comprise of carrots, cucumbers,beetroots, cabbage etc. Not only it will give you the essential vitamins,minerals, fibers but it will also make you a little full. This is a great way to eat less. Now after this salad you can have a small portion of complex carbohydrate along with protein. I had recently uploaded the video called "The Almost Perfect Recipe" wherein I had shown the combination of brown rice along with a protein rich source depending upon if you are a vegan, vegetarian, eggetarian or nonvegetarian. I suggest you to check that. Then you can also have roti with a protein rich curry like low fat paneer or soy chunks. Now, you should not have 3 or 4 rotis. Have a maximum of 2 rotis. You can also have a little low fat curd along with it. Now roti with dal is not a great option when it comes to weight loss. No doubt lentils are high in protein. But if they have 1 gram of protein, they will have 3 grams of carbohydrates. Now combining them with roti or brown rice will make them very high in carbohydrates which will hinder the weight loss process. If you want to have dal, have it with one roti or a little brown rice but make sure you add protein rich source like roasted paneer,grilled chicken or grilled fish. I dunk in 6 egg whites in the curry of dal. This makes it protein rich and balances out the macronutrients. Then we have already discussed about ChickpeasSpinach Egg Bhurji and Moong Dal Dosa. Those can also be incorporated for lunch. 

Evening snack:- one hour after lunch and 40 minutes before evening snack, try to have 1 liter of water. Now comes the tricky part, the evening snack. Now this is one time when we succumb to outside food because we do not have healthy options with us. Well, I will give you some options. Let's start with simple options first. First could be a small apple with green tea. Second could be two handfuls of roasted chickpeas,one handful of unsalted roasted peanuts and green tea. Third option could be "Makhane" which are also called Lotus seeds along with Indian tea or Green tea. Fourth option could be boiled chana chaat. Now, I have already shown you how to make sweet potato chaat, you can just skip sweet potato out of it, your chana chaat is ready. Fifth option could be banana peanut butter roti. Sixth option could be a small portion of upma oats. Then there are some evergreen options like egg white bhurji and egg white omelette. So, these are some of the great evening snack options that will help you stay away from the outside food. Now, this diet plan will work even if you don't exercise. But exercising will make the weight loss process faster. And I'm sure you want that. I have recently uploaded a full body workout on the channel. It is a great workout if you want to stayfit and what makes it better that you need not join a gym for it. Now post workout you should have a small piece of fruit along with a lean protein source. If you are a non vegetarian, you can have six egg whites. If you are a vegetarian you should buy whey protein isolate. 

Dinner. Now all the lunch options that we have already spoken about are very much valid in dinner as well. All you can do is you can further reduce the quantity of complex carbohydrates. So, you should definitely start with salad. Have one roti or a little brown rice along with a protein rich source like low fat paneer or soy chunks. Or you can also include grilled chicken and grilled fish that we have already spoken about. Now before bed if you feel like having something,you can have half glass of warm milk half an hour before going to bed. If at all you also feel like munching on something you can have just a few almonds or makhane. So friends, that concludes this diet plan. If you are working in night shifts you can still follow this diet plan. Everything remains that same, only the mealtimings change according to your shift timings. 

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